Exciting announcement! Now offering placenta encapsulation services! Click the services tab for more info.

Photo Cred: Darby Kate Photo, darbykate.com

Photo Cred: Darby Kate Photo, darbykate.com

Hello friends, thanks for stopping by. I’m Alex, a 35 year old wife and stay at home mom of three. My journey into the birth world started with the birth of my third child. In the final moments of a precipitous, 2 hour and 20 minute labor, I felt stuck and like I couldn’t do the pushing I needed to do to get my son out. A nurse (I still don’t know which one as it all happened so fast!) was standing beside me while I was on all fours and desperately said, “I can’t do this!” She replied, in the exact tone and manner I needed in that moment, “YES, you CAN. Now take a breath and PUSH!” In that instant a wave of determination came over me, and moments later (less than 15 minutes after we arrived to the hospital!), my son came into the world. I already had a special love for the miraculous event of birth, but as I looked back on that experience I thought, “I want to be that peaceful, confident, and encouraging voice of reason to other mamas!” Thus, a doula was born. ;)

I’ve had three very different birth experiences, and while some were more difficult than others, I’m thankful for each of them. Just like each woman/family is different, each birth is as well. This helps drive me to want to come alongside and support any mama, with any preferences, in any location. There can be many ups and downs throughout pregnancy, labor, delivery, breastfeeding, and caring for a newborn. My desire is to walk with my clients through those things and help find joy in the midst of even the hardest moments. From the growth of a new life in the womb, to the waves of contractions, to the feeding of a new baby around the clock - there is much joy to be found in these rhythms. Every mama and every family, without exception, deserve compassionate and affordable care and loving support. I would be so honored to talk with you about how I might serve and support your family during your pregnancy, birth, and beyond!

Please feel free to learn more about me by visiting my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChFVTqNFDDraVWusT_ehsSg

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